Let’s chat technique!
You’ll often hear coaches and athletes say the most efficient movers tend to be the ones who take home gold at competitions.
Take a look at recent Men's CrossFit Games champions: Rich Froning, Ben Smith, Matt Fraser; what do they all have in common? Exceptionally good technique and movement efficiency.
Is this a coincidence or a sign that you should spend some time on your tech instead of smashing wod after wod? I’d say the latter.
In my personal experience working and competing in the CrossFit space since 2011 I’ve had the privilege to work with exceptional coaches who’ve hammered me with
technique and have also reinforced that a slower progression will be a more efficient and long term progression.
“Putting it simply, if you rush your way to a sanctioned event with average form and inefficient tech that’s more than likely where you stay or worst case: regress due to injury.”
Let’s chat technique!
You’ll often hear coaches and athletes say the most efficient movers tend to be the ones who take home gold at competitions.
Take a look at recent Men's CrossFit Games champions: Rich Froning, Ben Smith, Matt Fraser; what do they all have in common? Exceptionally good technique and movement efficiency.
Is this a coincidence or a sign that you should spend some time on your tech instead of smashing wod after wod? I’d say the latter.
In my personal experience working and competing in the CrossFit space since 2011 I’ve had the privilege to work with exceptional coaches who’ve hammered me with
technique and have also reinforced that a slower progression will be a more efficient and long term progression.
“Putting it simply, if you rush your way to a sanctioned event with average form and inefficient tech that’s more than likely where you stay or worst case: regress due to injury.”
Let’s chat technique!
You’ll often hear coaches and athletes say the most efficient movers tend to be the ones who take home gold at competitions.
Take a look at recent Men's CrossFit Games champions: Rich Froning, Ben Smith, Matt Fraser; what do they all have in common? Exceptionally good technique and movement efficiency.
Is this a coincidence or a sign that you should spend some time on your tech instead of smashing wod after wod? I’d say the latter.
In my personal experience working and competing in the CrossFit space since 2011 I’ve had the privilege to work with exceptional coaches who’ve hammered me with technique and have also reinforced that a slower progression will be a more efficient and long term progression.
“Putting it simply, if you rush your way to a sanctioned event with average form and inefficient tech that’s more than likely where you stay or worst case: regress due to injury.”
My advice: take your time upping the weights and batter yourself with technique so you are the best mover on the competition floor. This will allow exponential progression and allow you to attain maximal potential.
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James Newbury
3 x CrossFit Games Athlete
7 x regionals Competitor
2 x Australia’s Fittest man